Kamis, 26 Mei 2011

Government System of Indonesia

Government System

Means a whole system which consists of several sections that have a functional relationship.

Government in the broad sense is the government / state agencies that perform all the duties of government both as the executive, legislative and judicial branches.

# Grouping system of government:

Presidential system of government
a system of government where the heads of government held by the president and the government is not responsible to parliament (legislative). Minister responsible to the president because the president serves as head of state and head of government.

Example Country: United States, Pakistan, Argentina, Philippines, Indonesia.

The characteristics of the Presidential system of government:

1. Presidential Administration is based on the principle of separation of powers.

2. Executives do not have the power to blend with the Legislature.

3. Cabinet is responsible to the president.

4. executive elected by popular vote.

Parliamentary system of government
is a system of government where the government (executive) is responsible to parliament. In this system of government, parliament has a big power and has the authority to supervise the executive.Ministers and prime minister accountable to parliament.

Example Country: United Kingdom, Netherlands, India, Australia, Malaysia.

The characteristics and requirements of Parliamentary system of government:

1. Parliamentary government is based on the principle of separation of powers.

2. The existence of mutual responsibility between the legislative with the executive, and between the president and cabinet.

3. Executive elected by the heads of government with legislative approval.

Mixed system of government
in the system of government is taken the best things of the Presidential system of government and Parliamentary system of government. In addition to having the president as head of state, also has a prime minister as head of government.

Example Country: France.

# Implementation of the State Government System Indonesia

Year 1945 - 1949
Deviation from the provisions of the Constitution '45 include:

Indonesia's national committee to change the function of the center of a presidential aide agency entrusted with legislative powers and follow set guidelines which is the authority of the Assembly.
Presidential cabinet system changes be based on the proposal of a parliamentary cabinet BP - KNIP.

Year 1949 - 1950
RIS is based on the constitution. Government adopted during the parliamentary cabinet system that is false (Quasy Parlementary).Government System in the constitution adopted by the RIS is not a pure parliamentary cabinet because in pure parliamentary systems, parliaments have a crucial position of state power.

Year 1950 - 1959
Foundation is the Constitution the constitutional successor RIS '50 '49. Government System is adopted the parliamentary cabinet with liberal democracy which is still apparent. Characteristics:

president and vice president can not be contested.
Minister responsible for government policy.
President entitled to dissolve the Parliament.
Prime Minister appointed by the President.

Year 1959 - 1966 (Guided Democracy)
The President has absolute power, and maketh a tool to eliminate the powers that prevented so that the political fate is determined by the president (10 recognized political parties.) There is no freedom of expression.

Year 1966 - 1998
President Soeharto's New Order was born with the determination to make corrections guided in the era of the old order. But over time there are many deviations. Suharto's resignation on May 21, '98.

1998 - Now (Reform)
Implementation of Pancasila democracy in the reform era has provided space for the parties and the Parliament to oversee the government critically and justified for a rally.

# System of Government by the Constitution '45 before it was amended:

Ø The highest authority of the people given to the Assembly.

Ø Parliament as legislators.

Ø President as government administrators.

Ø DPA as a giver of advice to government.

Ø Supreme Court as an institution and examiner rules of court.

Ø CPC financial auditing.

# System of Government after the amendment (1999 - 2002)

Ø MPR no longer the highest institution.

Ø Composition of the Assembly consists of all members of the House of Representatives plus the DPD are elected by the people.

Ø President and vice president directly elected by the people.

Ø President not to dissolve Parliament.

Ø Legislative power is more dominant.

# Comparison SisPem Indonesia with SisPem Other Countries

Based on the explanation of the Constitution '45, Indonesia adopts a Presidensia. But in practice many elements of the System of Parliamentary Government. So we can say Indonesian Government System is a blend of the Presidential and Parliamentary.

# Excess Indonesian Government System

Ø President and ministers during his tenure can not be imposed Parliament.

Ø The government has time to run the program, with no shadow cabinet crisis.

Ø The President is unable to enforce and / or dissolve Parliament.

# Weakness Indonesian Government System

Ø There is a tendency too strong authority and the concentration of power in the hands of the President.

Ø Often the change of officials because of the right perogatif president.

Ø Supervision of the people against the government less influential.

Ø Effect of the people against the political wisdom received less attention.

# Difference System of Government of Indonesia and Malaysia Government System

Executive Board
a. The Executive Board is located at the Prime Minister of Malaysia as a driver of state government.

b. Indonesia lies on the Executive Board President who has 2 position as head of state and head of government.

a. In Malaysia there are 2 Main Board in the legislative bodies of the State Council and the People's Council which perannyan make laws.

b. In Indonesia in the hands of Parliament whose role is to make laws with the approval of the President

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